Your Generosity

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In just this past year, we have a total of:

people baptized into the Christian faith
3rd Grade Bibles
students who confirmed their faith
books distributed to children at Kansas City area elementary schools
cumulative adults in a small group or meeting together for community and Bible study
backpacks filled with nutritious food for families experiencing food insecruity
pounds of food distributed through the Food Mobile
homes in Malawi with solar light kits
cumulative participation in online, in-person, or televised worship services
people who read the daily GPS Guide devotional email
children directly engaged in Vacation Bible Camp
individual children in Sunday school
participated in the Annual Easter egg hunt
students engaged in youth group
students involved in Sunday school
unique churches served using Resurrection Resources and Conferencing
impressions through social media, TV advertising, billboards, etc. of the BE Campaign
individual Resurrection Resources were downloaded from
unique church leaders downloaded Resurrection Resources from
New location launched at Resurrection Brookside
connections with people in hospitals or care facilities
couples commit themselves to each other in marriage

Ways to Give

You can fulfill your 2023 commitment through the following methods of giving:

Cash or Check

You may return your gift in worship during the offering time or mail it to: The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, Attn: Finance, 13720 Roe Ave, Leawood, KS 66224

Online Giving

Electronic giving is secure, quick and easy to set up using a debit or credit card or your bank account. You can make a one-time or recurring gift through our secure online giving platform. To make an online gift now, visit

Stock Giving

Appreciated stock is also a giving option. Click the icon above for downloadable instructions on making a stock gift. For questions or additional help, please email Finance at or call (913) 232-4171.

Giving with QCDs

If you are 72 or older you can make charitable donations directly from your IRA. A direct gift from an IRA to a charity is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution or "QCD". Click the icon above to download a form to give to your Financial Advisor.

To learn more about ways to give to Resurrection, visit

In worship, on November 20th, you will receive a commitment card and we will collectively bring our cards forward, offering them to God.

As Christians, we recognize everything we have comes from God, and we are simply sharing these gifts for Kingdom work. Through our tithes and offerings, we demonstrate in a tangible way our love for God and our neighbors. At Resurrection, giving is an expectation of membership. The church does not specify how much an individual should give, but we hope each person will commit a percentage of their income and increase that amount as they are able. Through your sacrificial and faithful giving, you continue being the body of Christ sharing his love and hope with people across the world.


Financial Planning

A Qualified Charitable Distribution From IRAs

A direct gift from an IRA to a charity is called a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” or QCD. This resource has been specially made for seniors who are 72 or older and offers information about giving from a qualifying retirement plan and legacy giving.

Customizable Debt Reduction Plan

A downloadable excel spreadsheet for managing personal debt. This spreadsheet is pre-formatted with Excel formulas to help make sure creating a debt reduction payment plan is simple.

Customizable Spending Plan

Utilize this spending plan form to map out your income and expenses each month. This comprehensive tool can help serve as a guideline for your monthly financial well-being.

Financial Management Assessment Tools

A guide to financial planning supported by scriptural guidance. This planning tool will help identify your current situation and establish changes you can make over the next twelve months.

Identify Your Net Worth

It’s important that you never confuse your self-worth with your net worth. In God’s eyes each one of us is of infinite worth. This form will help identify how your liabilities affect your assets to determine your earthly net worth.

Money Motivation Quiz

There are no wrong answers! This simple quiz is designed to give you an indication of how strongly you are influenced by the following money motivations: Freedom, Security, Power, and Love.

Office of Financial Readiness Calculators

Use these financial calculators to help get an accurate picture of how various decisions will affect your overall financial health.

Saving Grace: A Class on Financial Well Being

This class in January 2022 helps people of faith create healthy relationships with money and bring their financial lives in line with their faith journeys.

Set Your Financial Goals

Starting a financial plan takes careful consideration. What is motivating you and what do you hope to gain as a result? This worksheet will offer space to reflect on your goals and ultimately achieve financial freedom.

Social Security Administration Retirement Estimator

Want to know more about setting yourself up for retirement? Check out these retirement resources.

Tools from the United States Government

Securities Exchange for interest, savings, and retirement minimum distribution.

Track Monthly Spending

This page allows you to record major monthly expenses for which you typically pay for once or twice per month. Spending categories on this form include: education, mortgage/rent, utilities, insurance, etc.

Track Unexpected Spending

Use this form to track daily variable or unplanned expenses, which can often be the hardest to control.

Your Money Autobiography

Often how we relate to our money and possessions is heavily influenced, positively or negatively, by our early life experiences and how money was handled in the households we grew up in. Taking time to reflect can make us aware of those influences and allow us to take steps to change any negative behaviors they may have fostered.

Donor Declaration

Helping you leave a legacy through planned giving, in support of the mission and ministries of Resurrection is the role of the Resurrection Foundation. This donor declaration form makes the Foundation aware of your intent to leave Resurrection in your trust, estate or will. After completing the form, a member of the Foundation team will be in touch to schedule a time to meet regarding your legacy gift.

Want to learn more about the many ways to give to Resurrection? Email Debi Nixon, our Executive Director of Donor Relations, or read more here. To learn more about planned giving, email or click here.

Resurrection is a church that loves and welcomes everyone. Join us as together we build a Christian community where non and nominally religious people are becoming deeply committed Christians. Our vision is to be used by God to change lives, strengthen churches and transform the world.